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  • 2021年11月6日

    Notification of Agreement on Overtime and Holiday Work

    As a diligent employer, you understand the importance of adhering to labor laws and providing fair compensation to your employees. If you require your employees to work overtime or during holidays, it’s crucial to inform them of their rights and ensure they agree to the terms before proceeding.

    Here’s a guide to writing a notification of agreement for overtime and holiday work:


    Start with a brief introduction that explains the purpose of the notification. State that you’re informing employees of their rights and responsibilities regarding overtime and holiday work and that they must agree to the terms before proceeding.

    Agreement Terms

    List the terms and conditions of the agreement clearly and concisely. Here are some key points to include:

    Overtime Work

    • Define what constitutes overtime work, such as hours worked in excess of the standard workweek or workday.

    • Explain the rate of pay for overtime work, which is typically higher than the standard hourly rate.

    • State whether employees can refuse overtime work and if there will be any consequences for doing so.

    Holiday Work

    • Define which holidays require work and whether employees will receive additional compensation for working on holidays.

    • State whether employees can refuse holiday work and if there will be any consequences for doing so.

    • Clarify whether employees will receive time off in lieu of working on holidays.

    Employee Consent

    In this section, explain that employees must sign a copy of the agreement to indicate their understanding and willingness to comply with the terms. Make it clear that this is a legal document and that their signature signifies their consent to the terms.


    If an employee violates the agreement, outline the consequences they will face, such as disciplinary action or termination.


    Finally, conclude the notification by reiterating the importance of adhering to the agreement and thanking employees for their cooperation.

    By communicating the terms of overtime and holiday work agreements to your employees in advance, you help create a fair and transparent working environment that benefits everyone involved. Make sure to keep detailed records of signed agreements to ensure compliance with labor laws and prevent any misunderstandings or disputes down the line.

