大河原「さくらショッピングセンター」としみ歯科クリニック 歯科・小児歯科・矯正歯科


  • 2022年1月10日

    If you`re a landlord, having a solid tenancy agreement in place is essential for protecting your property and ensuring a smooth renting experience. However, a generic tenancy agreement may not always cover every unique scenario that could arise during a tenancy. That`s where special clauses come in.

    Special clauses are specific terms added to a standard tenancy agreement that address certain situations that may be unique to a particular rental. Here are ten examples of special clauses that landlords may consider including in their tenancy agreements:

    1. Rent increase clause: This clause outlines the circumstances under which a landlord may increase the rent during the tenancy. It could include specifics such as the amount of notice the landlord must provide and the maximum percentage increase that is allowed.

    2. Early termination clause: This clause outlines the circumstances under which either the landlord or tenant may terminate the tenancy before the agreed-upon end date. It could include conditions around notice periods, penalties for breaking the agreement, and any requirements for finding a replacement tenant.

    3. Subletting clause: This clause specifies whether or not the tenant is allowed to sublet the property and, if so, under what conditions. For example, the landlord may require written permission before the tenant can sublet the property.

    4. Pet clause: This clause outlines the rules around pets in the rental property. It could specify the types of pets that are allowed, any associated fees, and any requirements for the tenant to clean up after their pet.

    5. Utility clause: This clause specifies which utilities are the responsibility of the tenant and which are the responsibility of the landlord. It could also outline how utility payments will be made and any associated penalties for late payments.

    6. Maintenance clause: This clause outlines the tenant`s responsibilities for maintaining the property, such as keeping it clean and reporting any necessary repairs. It could also specify the landlord`s responsibilities for major repairs or emergencies.

    7. Security deposit clause: This clause outlines the amount of the security deposit required, how it will be held, and the conditions under which it will be returned. It could also specify any deductions that may be taken from the deposit and the process for disputing those deductions.

    8. Access clause: This clause outlines the circumstances under which the landlord may access the rental property during the tenancy. It could include requirements for providing notice to the tenant and any restrictions around the frequency or duration of access.

    9. Renewal clause: This clause outlines the conditions under which the tenancy may be renewed at the end of the agreed-upon term. It could include specifics such as the notice period required, any changes to the rent or other terms, and whether or not the tenant will be required to sign a new agreement.

    10. Illegal activities clause: This clause specifies that the tenant is not allowed to engage in any illegal activities on the rental property, such as drug use or other criminal behavior. It could outline the consequences for violating this clause, such as immediate termination of the tenancy.

    By including special clauses in your tenancy agreement, you can ensure that both you and your tenant are aware of all the specific details and expectations of the rental arrangement. This can help to prevent misunderstandings and disputes down the line and keep your rental property running smoothly.