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  • 2022年10月30日

    Verbal Agreements in Texas: Are They Legally Binding?

    In the state of Texas, verbal agreements are legally binding, but they can be difficult to enforce in court. A verbal agreement is an agreement that is made orally between two or more parties, without any written documentation.

    The biggest challenge with verbal agreements is that they are difficult to prove in court. Without any written documentation, it can be difficult to determine the terms of the agreement and whether or not it was actually made. This is why it is always recommended to have written contracts or agreements in place whenever possible.

    However, there are certain situations where verbal agreements are still legally binding. For example, verbal agreements for the sale of goods or services under $500 are enforceable under the Texas Business and Commerce Code. This means that if someone agrees to sell you a used car for $400 and you shake on it, that verbal agreement is legally binding.

    Verbal agreements for real estate transactions, on the other hand, are not enforceable in Texas. The Texas Statute of Frauds requires that contracts for the sale of real estate must be in writing and signed by the parties involved. Verbal agreements for real estate transactions are not sufficient and will not hold up in court.

    Another issue with verbal agreements is that they can be difficult to prove. If there is a dispute over the terms of a verbal agreement, it can be difficult to provide evidence of what was actually agreed upon. This is why it is always recommended to have witnesses present when making verbal agreements, and to follow up with written documentation outlining the terms of the agreement.

    In conclusion, while verbal agreements are legally binding in Texas, they can be difficult to enforce in court. It is always recommended to have written contracts or agreements in place whenever possible to avoid any disputes or misunderstandings. If a verbal agreement must be made, it is important to have witnesses present and to follow up with written documentation outlining the terms of the agreement.