大河原「さくらショッピングセンター」としみ歯科クリニック 歯科・小児歯科・矯正歯科


  • 2023年2月18日

    Subject-verb agreement is a crucial skill that students need to learn at a young age. This skill is important because it helps students become effective communicators, both in writing and in speech. As a teacher or a copy editor, it is your responsibility to help students understand this concept thoroughly. In this article, we will provide you with a lesson plan that will help third-grade students understand subject-verb agreement.

    Lesson Objective

    By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

    – Recognize the difference between singular and plural subjects and verbs.

    – Use subject-verb agreement in sentences.

    Materials Needed

    – Whiteboard and markers

    – Worksheets on subject-verb agreement

    – Examples of sentences with subject-verb agreement errors

    Lesson Plan

    Step 1: Introduce the concept of subject-verb agreement.

    Begin by explaining to students that sentences need to have a subject and a verb. The subject is the noun or pronoun that performs the action in the sentence, while the verb is the action or state of being. For example, in the sentence “The dog barks,” the subject is “dog,” and the verb is “barks.” Emphasize that in order for the sentence to make sense, the subject and verb must agree.

    Step 2: Discuss singular and plural subjects and verbs.

    Explain the difference between singular and plural nouns, and how they affect the verb. For example, in the sentence “The cat sleeps,” the subject “cat” is singular, and the verb “sleeps” agrees with it. If the subject is plural, such as “cats,” the verb would change to “sleep.” Provide examples of singular and plural subjects and verbs on the whiteboard or worksheets.

    Step 3: Provide examples of subject-verb agreement errors.

    Show students examples of sentences with subject-verb agreement errors, such as “The dogs barks.” Discuss why these sentences don`t make sense and how they can be corrected by making the subject and verb agree. Ask students to correct the sentences on their worksheets or on the whiteboard.

    Step 4: Practice using subject-verb agreement.

    Give students a set of sentences with blanks and ask them to fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb. For example, “The girls __________ (play) in the park.” The correct verb would be “play,” since “girls” is a plural subject. Have students share their answers with the class.

    Step 5: Assess students` understanding.

    Have students complete a short quiz on subject-verb agreement. The quiz should include examples of singular and plural subjects and verbs, as well as sentences with errors that need to be corrected.


    Teaching subject-verb agreement to third-grade students may seem challenging, but with the right lesson plan and materials, it can be an enjoyable and effective learning experience. Remember to provide examples and practice opportunities, and assess students` understanding to ensure they have mastered the concept. By the end of this lesson, your students will be able to communicate effectively through their writing and speech with proper subject-verb agreement.