大河原「さくらショッピングセンター」としみ歯科クリニック 歯科・小児歯科・矯正歯科


  • 2023年4月17日

    Are you looking to cancel your BES utility contract? Whether you`re moving to a new location or simply switching to another provider, cancelling your BES utility contract can be a straightforward process. However, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure a smooth transition without any unexpected fees or penalties.

    1. Check your contract terms

    Before you cancel your BES utility contract, take a close look at your terms and conditions. You may be under a fixed-term agreement, which means you`ll have to pay a termination fee if you cancel before the end of the contract. If you`re unsure about your contract terms, give BES a call to confirm.

    2. Give notice in writing

    Once you`re aware of your contract terms, let BES know that you`d like to cancel in writing. This can be through email or a letter. Be sure to include your account number and the date you`d like the cancellation to take effect. Most providers require a notice period of at least 30 days, so plan accordingly.

    3. Provide final meter readings

    To avoid any discrepancies on your final bill, provide BES with accurate meter readings on the day of cancellation. This way, you`ll only be charged for the energy you`ve actually used up until that point. Be sure to take clear photos of the readings as evidence in case of any disputes.

    4. Settle your account balance

    Before you can fully cancel your BES utility contract, you`ll need to settle any outstanding balances. This includes any usage charges, termination fees if applicable, and any other arrears. Make sure you`re up to date with your payments before you request to cancel.

    5. Confirm the cancellation

    Once you`ve provided all the necessary information and settled your account balance, confirm with BES that your cancellation has been processed. This will give you peace of mind that your contract has been fully terminated and there won`t be any unexpected charges later on.

    In conclusion, cancelling your BES utility contract can be a simple process if you follow these guidelines. Be sure to check your contract terms, provide notice in writing, provide accurate meter readings, settle your account balance, and confirm the cancellation. With a little planning, you can switch to your preferred provider hassle-free.