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  • 2023年8月9日

    NBCRFI Wage Agreement 2019: What You Need to Know

    The National Broadcasting Company Radio and Television Guild (NBCRFI) reached a new wage agreement in 2019 that affects employees across various divisions. The agreement was reached after negotiations, which started in October 2018, and was ratified by members in April 2019. Here’s a closer look at the NBCRFI wage agreement 2019 and what it entails.

    Increases in Wages

    Under the agreement, NBCRFI employees will receive wage increases that vary depending on the division they work in. For instance, employees who work in the news division will receive a 2.75% increase in wages each year for four years, while those in network operations will receive a 2.25% increase in the first year, followed by 2.5% in the following three years.

    The wage increases will be implemented in stages, with the first one taking effect on May 1, 2019, and the subsequent increases being introduced on May 1 of the following years until 2022.

    Additional Benefits

    Apart from wage increases, the NBCRFI wage agreement 2019 also includes other benefits for employees. For instance, employees who are eligible for overtime will have their hourly rate increased by 10%, while those who work on weekends will receive a 5% increase in their hourly rate.

    Additionally, employees who are on leave will continue to receive healthcare coverage for up to six months, while those who retire will receive a retirement plan contribution that is equivalent to 7% of their average annual salary for the last three years of their employment.


    The NBCRFI wage agreement 2019 is a testament to the importance of fair compensation for employees across various divisions. It not only provides wage increases that are reflective of current market rates, but it also includes additional benefits that are meant to improve the overall well-being of employees. With this agreement in place, NBCRFI employees can look forward to a brighter future and increased job satisfaction.