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  • 2022年7月28日

    Contractions Lasting Over 2 Minutes: What You Need to Know

    Pregnancy is an exciting time, but it can also be anxiety-inducing, especially as you approach your due date. One of the things on expectant mothers` minds is the onset of labor and how to recognize when it`s time to head to the hospital. One thing to keep in mind is that contractions lasting over 2 minutes can be a sign that it`s time to go.

    What are Contractions?

    Contractions are the tightening and relaxing of the muscles in the uterus, which help to push the baby through the birth canal. They typically start off mild and irregular, but as labor progresses, they become stronger and more frequent.

    How Long Should Contractions Last?

    During active labor, contractions usually last between 45 and 60 seconds, with a 2-3 minute break in between. However, some women may experience longer contractions lasting over 2 minutes, which can be an indication that labor is progressing quickly.

    What Causes Contractions to Last Over 2 Minutes?

    Several factors can contribute to contractions lasting over 2 minutes. These include:

    – Intense contractions: As labor progresses, contractions become stronger and more intense. This can lead to longer contractions that take longer to subside.

    – Rapid cervical dilation: If the cervix is dilating quickly, it can put more pressure on the uterus, leading to longer contractions.

    – Position of the baby: The position of the baby in the uterus can also affect the duration of contractions. If the baby is in an unusual position, it can put more pressure on the uterus, leading to longer contractions.

    When Should You Seek Medical Attention?

    If you are experiencing contractions lasting over 2 minutes, it`s a good idea to contact your healthcare provider. This may be an indication that you`re in active labor and should head to the hospital. Other signs to watch out for include:

    – Contractions that are getting stronger and closer together

    – Water breaking

    – Bleeding or spotting

    – Decreased fetal movement

    – Severe back pain or cramping

    In conclusion, contractions lasting over 2 minutes can be a sign that you`re in active labor and should seek medical attention. Remember to trust your instincts and don`t hesitate to contact your healthcare provider if you`re unsure. With proper care and attention, you`ll soon be holding your little bundle of joy in your arms.